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Q&A for the participation in the Call For Tender for the Selection of an external Service Provider to support the Italian Diplomatic Mission in the Procession of Visa Application

1) Q: Is it necessary to submit all the the required documents for the call for tender in Italian?

A: No, it is possible to submit the documents only in English.


2) Q: Which date should be used to calculate the official exchange rate to convert in Euros the amounts contained in the documents expressed in another currency?

A: 24 March 2015


3) Q: For the Temporary gurantee is a bank guarantee?


A: Yes


4) Q: Who should be the beneficiary of the temporary guarantee?

A: Ambasciata d’Italia a Minsk (Italian Embassy in Minsk)

5) Q: In order for the external provider to be able to accurately assess the

size of centre needed in Minsk and the need for other centres in other

locations around Belarus, can the Office please provide the external

provider with a breakdown of application volumes by city of residence of the



A: In 2014 the geographical distribution of applicants by place of official

registration where the following (out of 44,799 applications): Minsk

city 16,221 (36.2%), Minsk region 4,996 (11.2%), Vitebsk 3,174 (7.1%), Gomel

9,392 (21.0%), Moghilev 4,078 (9.1%), Brest 3,937 (8.8%) Grodno 2,028

(4.5%), other 973 (2.2%)


6) Q: Could the Office highlight which other cities in Belarus they are

interested in having a Visa Application Centre and the approximate volumes

of applicants in those locations?


A: Priority cities are Gomel and Brest. Past volumes of applications are

stated above. We expect a significant increase in the volume of applications

once a visa centre is open.

7) Q: Will data entry and biometric data collection software be provided by

the Embassy?


A: Software will be provided by the embassy. All the other equipments,

including hardware machinery to collect biometric data, shall be provided by

the selected bidder. 


8) Q: Would the Office please state whether it would accept sharing a Visa

Application Centre space with another European country?


A: In principle yes, but waiting lines for customers shall be clearly

separated. Organisation of Work and Infrastructures provided will be

evalueted  under point b) and c) of the selection criteria.

9) Q: Can the office please clarify if there is a distance limit between the

Visa Application Centre and the Embassy premises?


A: There is no such limit. Organisation of Work and Infrastructures provided

will be evalueted  under point b) and c) of the selection criteria.


10) Q: Can the Office please state whether it would require any staff

employed for the external service provider to support the visa application

processing at the Embassy premises?

A: This is not a requirement, but it will be  favorably considered at the

moment of evaluation of the application under point d) of the selection criteria.


11) Q: In the case of applicants in temporary groupings, the requirement of

two bank references shall be provided only by the main partner or by all the

members of the grouping?

A:Yes, only the main partner should mandatorily provide two bank references.