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Divieto di importazione dall’UE

E’ stata approvata il 6 Dicembre la Direttiva n. 700 del Governo della Repubblica di Bielorussia che introduce il divieto di importazione, a partire dall’1 gennaio 2022 per il periodo di 6 mesi, di una serie di prodotti del settore agro-alimentare provenienti dai Paesi dell’Unione Europea.



On the application of special measures to certain types of commodities

In order to ensure the protection of the national interests of the Republic of Belarus and based on Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 128, dated 30 March 2021, “On the Application of Special Measures,” the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECREES the following:

1. It is necessary to compile a list of goods that originate from the European Union and its member states, the United States of America, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of North Macedonia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Montenegro, and the Swiss Confederation whose import into the territory of Belarus and sale in the territory of Belarus shall be prohibited in accordance with the annex (hereafter referred to as “prohibited goods,” unless specified otherwise).

2. A Regulation on Quotas on Imports into the Territory of the Republic of Belarus of Certain Types of Goods (attached) shall be approved.

3. Item 1 of the present Directive does not apply to goods

3.1. imported into the territory of the Republic of Belarus before the entry into force of the present Directive;

3.2. imported into the territory of the Republic of Belarus:

– for personal use;

– for processing, to be placed under customs procedures for release for domestic consumption within established tariff quotas if they come with a license issued by the Ministry of Anti-monopoly Regulation and Trade (hereafter referred to as MART), for a free economic zone, for processing for domestic consumption, for processing in the customs territory (hereafter referred to as “goods for processing”);

– within the limits of established tariff preferences;

– within the limits of quotas set in accordance with the Regulation on Quotas Imports into the Territory of the Republic of Belarus of Certain Types of Goods that has been approved by the present Directive, to ensure that the consumer market is balanced (hereafter referred to as “goods subject to quotas).

4. Goods for processing and goods subject to quotas shall be placed under the customs transit customs procedure upon their arrival at the checkpoint if they are bound for:

– Residents of free economic zones situated in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

– Persons to whom MART licences have been issued within the limits of quotas set out in the third and fifth paragraphs of Sub-item 3.2 of Item 3 of the present Directive (if possession of a license has been confirmed)

– Persons who intend to process goods in accordance with the customs procedures of processing for domestic consumption, processing in the customs territory (if there is confirmation of possession of a document on the conditions of processing goods for domestic consumption or a document on the conditions of processing goods in the customs territory).

Goods for processing that have been placed under the customs procedure of a free economic zone, for processing for domestic consumption, for processing in the customs territory, and/or goods produced/obtained from such goods, if they are on the list of prohibited goods, are placed under the customs procedure if release for domestic consumption within the limits of quotas established in accordance with the Regulation on Quotas Imports into the Territory of the Republic of Belarus of Certain Categories of Goods that has been approved by the present Directive.

5. Item 2 and Chapter 2 of the Regulation on the Procedure of Handling Prohibited Goods approved by the Council of Ministers Directive No. 240 dated 23 April 2021 apply to the prohibited goods on the list approved by this Directive.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Belarusian State Food Industry Concern (Belgospishcheprom), the regional executive committees, and the Minsk City Executive Committee shall ensure the saturation of the domestic market with a broad range of food products made in the Republic of Belarus.

7. MART, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Belarusian State Food Industry Concern (Belgospishcheprom), producers, importers and trade organisations shall ensure compliance with the approved level of the consumer price index, including for goods for processing and good subject to quotas.

8. National-level state administration bodies, other state organisations subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the regional executive committees, and the Minsk City Executive Committee shall bring their regulatory acts into conformity with the present Directive and take other measures to implement it.

9. The present Directive shall take effect according to the following procedure:

– Items 2,6-8 and 9 shall enter into force upon the official publication of the present Directive;

– the other items of the present Directive shall enter into force on 1 January 2022 and remain effective for six months.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko

Annex to the Council of Minister Directive No. 700 Dated 6 December 2021

LIST of prohibited goods

Code of the common commodity nomenclature of the external economic activities of the Eurasian Economic Union

Code of the common commodity nomenclature of the external economic activities of the Eurasian Economic Union

Short title of the commodity

State bodies/organisations assigning and distributing quotas for the import of commodities into the territory of the Republic of Belarus

0103 91-0103 92

Live swine

Ministry of Agriculture and Food


Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled



Meat of bovine animals, frozen



Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen



Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen



Meat and edible offal of fowls with tariff position 0105, fresh, chilled or frozen



Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat



Meat salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal


From 0401***, from 0402***, from 0403***. From 0404***, from 0405***, 0406

Milk and dairy products except for specialized lactose-free milk, specialized lactose-free dairy products for therapeutic nutrition and prophylactic nutrition


07, except for

0701 10 000 0,

0703 10 110 0,

0713 10 100 0,

0713 33 100 0,

0713 34 000 1,

0713 35 000 1,

0713 39 000 1,

0713 60 000 1,

0713 90 000 1

Vegetables, except for seed vegetables



Fruit and nuts



Pig fat and poultry fat

Ministry of Agriculture and Food


Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats


1503 00

Lard stearin and other animals oils


1601 00

Sausages and similar products


1704, 1806, except for 1806 10 and 1806 20, 1905



1901 90, 2106 90

Other food products


2501 00


Belgospishcheprom Concern

* The goods are identified by the code of the common commodity nomenclature of the external economic activities of the Eurasian Economic Union, the short title of the commodity is intended for ease of reference

** Except for food products for children

*** For the purposes of the application of this position one should be guided by both the code of the common commodity nomenclature of the external economic activities of the Eurasian Economic Union and the title of the commodity